Title : The Ducktrinors Author : Papatia Feauxzar Publisher : Djarabi Kitabs Publishing, December 11, 2015 Book Description : The world is coming to an end and Hanifa Ducktrinor can feel it. The Seculars rule the world and keeping the sunnah and the deen intact become a challenge then. Hanifa, the cadet of the Ducktrinor family, is a courageous young Muslim living in a time where practicing her religion is really hard. She wants to be the courageous educated coreishy woman she dreams of every day. Hanifa also wants to find the people of the cave and fights alongside with them, Jesus (Issa-aleihi salam), and Mahdi with the vouching cloud when the cave opens and the prediction about Yajud and Majud (Gog and Magog) will occur. Review : One thing I appreciate about thisbook is that it takes a young Muslim girl and makes her the hero of the story. While Hanifa was not my favorite character in the Ducktrinors, she had quite a few moments where I rooted and cheered for her. I ...