Title : Khadijah Got Her Groove Author : F. A. Ibrahim Publisher : University Publications Book Description : Khadijah Aziz, who only shoots for the stars, has running the perfect Muslim household under control. That was until a mysterious phone number from a woman named Saffron surfaces from her husband Raheem's pocket. Confused and distraught, Khadijah pushes the questionable number to the side and tries to maintain her grip on life as a slew of challenges arise in the relationships she holds most dear. With the threat of slipping, Khadijah struggles desperately to maintain her fascade, but inevitable change is already in motion. Putting family first isn't always easy. Will Khadijah lose everything she's worked for when escalating dilemmas leaves her life boiling like a volcano of issues of the heart, or will she push on to forge a new path for herself: choosing mastery over weakness, peace over strife, and love over fear? My Review: I was impressed with Kha...